Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Chapter-3 prologue

I found this very interesting...

When we design a large program, its dictated by our perception of the system to be modeled. And, there are two organization strategies arising from two different world views of the system.
The first concentrates on objects, viewing a large system as collection of objects changing with time. For each object we create a corresponding computational object and for each action a symbolic operation in our computational model.
The second strategy concentrates upon the streams of information that flow in the system.

In fact this chapter is all about representing the "change" and hence time in computations. And, the two views described above result in two different programming paradigms to deal with time called object oriented programming and stream based programming.

A friend often says, as these are just two views of the system so it should be possible to look at any system using any one of the two views and that in turn means that we should be able to take a system modeled with collection of objects and remodel it using the streams and viceversa.

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