Sunday, June 14, 2009

Section-2.3.4; Ex-2.67-2.72

Ex 2.67
1 ]=> (decode sample-message sample-tree)
;Value 1: (a d a b b c a)

(define (encode-symbol symbol tree)
(define (iter tree-or-leaf result)
((leaf? tree-or-leaf)
(if (eq? symbol (symbol-leaf tree-or-leaf))
(error "symbol is not in given tree")))
((memq symbol (symbols tree-or-leaf))
(if (memq symbol (symbols (left-branch tree-or-leaf)))
(iter (left-branch tree-or-leaf) (cons 0 result))
(iter (right-branch tree-or-leaf) (cons 1 result))))
(else (error "symbol is not in given tree"))))
(reverse (iter tree '())))

1 ]=> (encode '(a d a b b c a) sample-tree)
;Value 3: (0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0)
1 ]=> (equal? (encode '(a d a b b c a)
;Value: #t

(define (successive-merge leafs)
((null? leafs) nil)
((= (length leafs) 1)
(make-code-tree (car leafs) nil))
((= (length leafs) 2)
(make-code-tree (cadr leafs) (car leafs)))
(cons (make-code-tree (cadr leafs) (car leafs))
(cddr leafs))))))

(define rock-pairs '((na 16)
(yip 9)
(sha 3)
(job 2)
(get 2)
(a 2)
(boom 1)
(wah 1)))
(define encoded-message
'(Get a job
Sha na na na na na na
na na Get a job Sha na
na na na na na na na
Wah yip yip yip yip yip
yip yip yip yip
Sha boom)
(generate-huffman-tree rock-pairs)))

;number of bits used
1 ]=> (length encoded-message)
;Value: 87

For fixed length encoding:
there are 8 distinct symbols, so we need atleast 3 bits for each symbol, and message has 36 symbols, so for fixed-length code we would need
3 X 36 = 108 bits

For most frequent symbol we need just 1 bit for any value of n.
For least frequent symbol:
number of bits needed =
depth of the generated tree =
(ceiling (log n)) ;where base=2 in log

Ex-2.72 - todo

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